What is USDC?

USDC is an ERC-20 token, which means that it is built on the Ethereum blockchain. This allows USDC to be easily integrated into other Ethereum-based projects and applications. Circle and Coinbase created USDC as a response to the volatility of other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. By pegging USDC to the US dollar, the creators of the stablecoin hoped to provide a more stable and reliable cryptocurrency that could be used for everyday transactions.

The USDC price has remained relatively stable since its launch in 2018. The price of USDC is determined by market forces, just like any other asset. When there is high demand for USDC, the price will go up; when there is low demand, the price will go down. However, because USDC is pegged to the US dollar, its price fluctuations are generally small and predictable.

USDC is issued by Circle, a financial technology company that specializes in digital payments and blockchain technology. Circle has partnered with Coinbase, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, to promote the use of USDC. As a result, USDC is widely accepted by many cryptocurrency exchanges and merchants.

Advantages of USDC

One of the main advantages of using USDC is that it allows for fast and cheap transactions. Because USDC is built on the Ethereum blockchain, transactions can be processed quickly and at a low cost. This makes it an ideal currency for remittances and other international payments.

Another advantage of USDC is that it is transparent and audited. Circle provides regular attestation reports that detail the number of USDC tokens in circulation and the amount of US dollars held in reserve to back those tokens. This provides users with confidence that USDC is backed by real-world assets and is not subject to the same risks as other cryptocurrencies that are not backed by anything.

What about USDC Price Trend?

The price of USDC is typically very stable, as it is designed to be pegged to the US dollar. However, there can be small fluctuations in the price of USDC due to market forces. For example, if demand for USDC increases, the price may go up slightly. Conversely, if demand for USDC decreases, the price may go down slightly.

In recent news, Circle announced that it plans to go public through a merger with a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC). This merger is expected to value Circle at $4.5 billion and will provide the company with the resources it needs to expand its services and continue growing USDC. This news has been seen as a positive sign for USDC and the broader cryptocurrency market, as it signals growing institutional interest in cryptocurrencies and stablecoins.

Where to buy USDC?

USDC has become increasingly popular in the cryptocurrency space. In addition to its use as a stable store of value and a currency for transactions, USDC is also used as collateral for borrowing and lending on various DeFi platforms. USDC is also commonly used as a trading pair on cryptocurrency exchanges, allowing users to quickly and easily trade other cryptocurrencies for USDC.

USDC can be purchased on various cryptocurrency exchanges, including Coinbase, Binance, and MEXC. Users can also earn USDC by providing liquidity to USDC-based decentralized exchanges (DEXs) like Uniswap and Sushiswap. USDC can be used to buy other cryptocurrencies or to make purchases from merchants who accept USDC as payment.

In conclusion, USDC is a stablecoin that has gained significant traction in the cryptocurrency space. Its price is stable and predictable, making it an ideal currency for transactions and as a store of value. USDC has become an important player in the cryptocurrency market and its recent milestones and news suggest that it will continue to grow and evolve in the future.

Posted in Money Transfer

There are manygoodreasons why you shouldenjoy adogfor apet. Lots of peoplelovetheir particularloyaltywhile other peoplethink they areverycute. Nonetheless, you have tolearn how totrainyour pet to behave so thathe isdesirablein your home. An obedient dogtypically takeswork, though. Here inthis article, you will discovera handful offantasticideasto help.Young dogsare prone tonibblingon theownersproperty. You’ll be able toaddressthis issuebyinstantlyhaltinga puppyifthe guy chews an unsuitableitem. Then, as a substitute, provide him the toysthat he’spermitted tognaw. Praiseyour pet dogin the event you find your petgnawing an authorizedtoy. Stayingconsistent with thisinstructiontechniquecan saveyour selectedhousehold furnitureor maybe your pair of shoes.During yourpup’straining curriculum, alwaysplay with them whenever you can. Interactingthru games andactivitiesis one wayfor you toconnecttogether with yourfurry friendas well as reducingstress. Puppiesreacta lot betterto individualsthat theyput your confidence in, sojust go andtossaball, play tug of war or mayberub their belly.Whengetting together with other canines, expect to seea relaxed, relaxedmannerfrom yourpetin advance ofallowing them to go free. Bydeveloping a calmtemperamentwith yourfamily pet, you willproduce a ripple effect with theotheranimalsand alsoteachingyour petthat you really control the actual environment. This makes iteasier totake awayyour pet dogwhen it’stime to go also.If you areworking on commands with your puppy, workonlya single command at any given time, and onlysaythe actual command one time. Neversay the command phraseover and over again. Your main goalis actually foryour canine to comply withthe command immediately. You do not want to have to pronounceexactly the same thingtime and time again.As youprepareyour pettrainingtimes, consentrate onsimplyteachingyour four-legged frienda singlebrand-newcompetencyat a time. Lots ofdirectionsin addition to expectations can causeyour puppyto becomebewilderedas well asdistressed. You can expect torealizemuch bettersuccessfor those whofocus ononeproficiency, realizemasteryand after thatmove on.Whendog training, be sure to enforce every command youdeliver. This can helpyour puppyunderstand thatthey have tolisten to you any time you give a command. In the event yourpuppy learns he can ignore you as yougive a command, it usually isdifficult to correct this.Repetition is one of themost crucialaspects ofteachingvirtually anypuppy. Justshowingthe doghow torespondjust once simply will beineffective. Reinforcing conceptsis very important, and your puppywill in the endbe much more responsive.Proceedthruthedoorwayprior toyour pet dog, eatyour very ownevening meal first and try tobe sure that you win tug-of-war, through taking away the particularplaythingwhenfinished. All of thisassertsthat you’rethe actual pack alpha dog and your dogis definitely subordinate. This will helpcontrolsome otherobediencetroublesand helps withvarious otheraspects ofteachingbecause yourpuppyknows thathe mustactually dowhat you say. It’sjust howhe has beenhard wired.Are you now ready to work with your canine? A properly behaved family dogis actually a happy dog. And thatwill takea lot ofhard work! You will notfeel dissapointed aboutany timeyou actuallyput indog trainingwhen you experiencetheenjoymentofowning avery welltaughtdog.

Posted in Dogs

By Anthony Malibu

Trying to get back together with your ex girlfriend? Not sure where you stand? Before you can fix your break up, you’ll need to know how to identify the signs that your ex wants you back. The following guidelines can be used to recognize the signs and signals that your exgirlfriend is about ready to date you again.

When your ex is finally ready to reconcile your relationship, she’s going to give off several different signals. The strange part? Some of them she won’t even know about. Subconsciously, your ex will make moves that indicate you should proceed. She’ll use words, body language, and other ways to give you the green light that she’s ready to get back together. By knowing how to identify these changes in the way she sees you, you can work with them. This is one of the key ways to win back an ex girlfriend.

Below are some of the strongest signs that your ex-girlfriend wants you back:


* Your Ex Stays In Touch – If your girlfriend broke up with you and decided it was over, she’d be out of your life pretty quickly. But if your ex is still in constant contact with you (and not just contact you initiated, but actually calling or emailing you on her own), it’s always a great sign. Whether she’s calling you on the phone, talking face to face, or even sending you a text message or two, these are indications she’s still interested in you as more than a friend. And if she’s hiding this communication from friends, or a new boyfriend? It’s an even bigger sign.

* She Goes Out Of Her Way To See You – Physically seeing an ex after you’ve broken up is always a strong indication that one or both of you still aren’t over the relationship. If your ex is meeting you for quick visits, a cup off coffee, or maybe even lunch or dinner, chances are she’s trying to tell you something. She doesn’t need to outright say much, so you should be watching her body language for signs that it’s okay to come on. Any time an ex keeps communication with you, it’s good. She’s leaving the door to the relationship open, in case she wants to reverse the break up. Make her comfortable when she does show up, by keeping your conversation happy, light, casual and fun. Over time, she’ll open up even further, emotionally.

* Your Ex Asks About Your Love Life (or Tells You About Hers) – These two signs go hand in hand, and they’re a huge indication that your exgirlfriend might want you back. Even though she broke up with you, your ex has been keeping in touch. Many girls do this so they can monitor your own situation – your ex doesn’t want you moving on if she’s still attracted to you. In fact, no woman wants her exboyfriend to begin dating another girl… at least until she’s moved on herself. So if your ex asks about your own situation? It’s a really good sign. And if she starts telling you she doesn’t have a boyfriend of her own, she’s putting out feelers to see if you’re still interested.

* She Changes The Way She Acts Toward You – This is one of the final stages, post-breakup, that your ex is looking to get back together. Remember when your ex first broke up with you, and treated everything she said and did with you very carefully? If suddenly she’s emotionally close again, she’s thrown that caution out the window for a reason. Once your exgirlfriend begins coming onto you again with affection, compliments, and all kinds of other attention, it’s a big sign that she wants you back. Something has probably changed her mind. As she gets flirty, flirt back with her. Let her take it wherever she wants, and follow her lead.

About the Author: There are 8 individual steps to

winning back your girlfriend

. Find out what they are, and for more information on signs that your ex wants you back, be sure to visit

Get Back Your Ex Girlfriend




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Posted in Lawyers

High Risk High Interest Personal Loan with Line of Credit


Alex D Johnson

Are you looking for high risk bad credit personal loans with a high interest rate using a line of credit? You may have tried several banks and private lender looking for this type of loan. So how can you find an easier way?

Until just a few years ago, applying for a personal or home loan was quite simple actually. All you needed to do was find a bank that offered the best interest rates and payment plans, and then you could easily get approved even for high risk unsecured personal loans.

But what about today? You may have noticed that when you have a bad credit history, not only you will end up paying high interest rates, but that sometimes even means your loan application will not be approved.

So you may be wondering about this question…

Is a Line of Credit Available for Poor Credit Personal Loans?


As you may already be aware, personal lines of credit offered by banks and private institutions are usually available to creditworthy customers. For that purpose, the bank will check your credit history and outstanding loans and payments, to make sure they can trust you financially.

So what if you have had some issues recently and it has affected your credit score? Is there any possible way for you to still succeed to get approved for a personal line of credit?

The good news is, yes, there are some private banks that offer a line of credit for these special circumstances. They understand even long term reliable customers may go through rough times. But they are still reliable credible individuals.

That is why it is a good idea to visit your local bank where you have been a customer for the longest time. This is usually the place where you have the most connections and have built the strongest trust.

Then you can speak to them about your unique situation and ask for a higher line of credit for a personal loan – even with a poor credit history.

Also this negotiation can help you get approved for your personal loan request, you should still be ready to pay a high interest rate. Because this is still considered a high risk loan after all.

But there is a helpful solution for that. After several months or a year when you have delivered your payments on time and have therefore improved your credit score, you can always simply refinance your loan.

This means you will ask the bank to take a look at your current new credit status and reconsider a better interest rate. Many people use this easy idea to save a lot of money in the long term on interest rates. So why not you?

Want to

find out how to get your Quick Guaranteed Personal Loan

easily and fast in

3 days or less

?Check out this

High Risk Personal Loans

guide to

save time and find top, reliable lenders online


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Posted in Home Loans

Bathroom Pods- Basic Need



As we know that today everyone is running short of time. Suppose how it will be if the job we want to do finished before the time it supposed to finish. Today everywhere buildings are being developed by builders and construction based projects are such that time delay in finishing can be very crucial in terms of money and reputation. People who buy flats in building also ensure that they have fully furnished flats, fully painted and modular as well.


Prefabricated Bathroom Pods are also gives you a chance that you can complete your building projects before time no matter whether you are builder or a home owner who is building home by self. I know prefabricated bathroom pods can be seen as a relatively new concept but they have in fact been used successfully by the off site construction industry for some time and may be this is one of the reasons for continuous increase in popularity of off site construction methods over traditional methods particularly in case of environmental and sustainability of the materials as well as increased speed, efficiency and the ability to work in compact spaces and difficult areas.

If you will use prefabricated bathroom pods then it will certainly reduce requirements for skilled labour on your construction site .this will allow your construction programme to run faster. If you opt to use bathroom pods then it will definitely save your installation time. It will also provide you valuable time saving and cost efficiencies in your construction projects and on the whole they increase quality control of your project and help to encourage the building process of a wide variety of projects like hotels, housing and care homes, to the leisure sector.

Leisure sector which demands high quality and aesthetically pleasing bathroom facilities is making bathroom pods their preferred method of installation due to greater service assurance from this factory built product.

Author is an online marketer. He is writing articles from last 6 years on

Bathroom Pods

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Posted in Real Estate

By Stewart Spencer

Dischromatics Explains How to Approach the Logo Design Process to New Business Start-Ups

Ahead of Dischromatics’ involvement at the forthcoming Caerphilly Business Forum’s New Year, New Start event for people involved in new Business Start ups at the Tredomen Business and Technology Centre on Thursday 10th February our graphic designers have formulated some simple advice, useful for any company whether new or old which requires new branding.

Indeed, Dischromatics has been following its own advice itself as we design our own logos for our new brand, which will be officially launched in the next 12 months, although some tell-tale signs will be on show before then for eagle-eyed customers!


A logo is basically the public face of any company brand. The key values of a business can be encompassed in a simple design and it is therefore important to make it as professional and trustworthy as possible as ultimately it could well help improve sales. The ultimate goal is to achieve a logo which is simple, memorable, timeless, versatile and appropriate, and clearly this is not an easy task! When considering your logo, go through the following simple steps at the start of the process to help you along the way.

Firstly, just take a look on the internet to see what sort of general design style and colours you like and is pleasing on the eye and is representative of your company, products and/or services, remember certain colours represent certain aspects such as blue can give the feeling of trust and assurance, try to think about what you might like the logo to say about your business, about the customers you want to attract (age range, gender etc) and about how you might be using the logo (for print, online, or a combination of these). There is no point in having a large logo with lots of data and colours if you also want to use this as a decipherable thumbnail for instance. Why not talk to your most loyal customers and get their feedback! After all its them you want to impress the most.

It is important to speak with a skilled professional graphic designer and preferably employ their services to develop your ideas and ensure the result is indeed a professional logo that avoids the common pitfalls and ensures the final design is in a portable format that could be used by any other company who may print adverts or create your website on your behalf. By carrying out the suggested steps before meeting a designer, you may also be able to save some money at the research stage by passing on clear information about your requirements, however it is important not to constrain your budget too tightly to allow a designer the scope to give you a few options to consider and discuss to develop your brand with your full involvement. They will also be able to advise on cohesive colours and fonts that work well together and how they could be used to enhance your company brand.

The process should begin with a meeting with the designers to discuss a design brief in the manner described above, then some preliminary hand-drawn sketches could be produced for the clients consideration and customer feedback before going on to further develop the ideas for the favoured designs, in other words those which have received the most positive feedback. Once re-produced on computer, these can then be printed, often in a variety of colour schemes, for further discussion before moving on to finalise the chosen logo for use. Any logo design requires close collaboration between designer and client to ensure the result fits the bill. For further information, please call 0145 243222 or visit www.dischromatics.co.uk.

About the Author: Dischromatics supplies CD, DVD & Blu-ray Replication + free UK delivery &

CD & DVD Duplication

for fast turn round, USB Flash Memory Drives. With a

Graphic Design

Department for Creative Logo design, web design,


and rebranding. Digital Printing of Variable Data for Direct mail Marketing.



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Posted in Website Design And Development


In Florida, dog owners have immediate access to a variety of beneficial services through a local vet. Among the services are grooming opportunities to address a multitude of conditions that could prove unhealthy for the dogs. The following are the benefits of dog grooming in Crofton.

Addressing Skin Irritants and Conditions


The groomers can address skin irritants and adverse conditions. Their products provide them with medications to address flaking and itchy skin. The vet will need to diagnose the condition to determine the best treatment option. However, the grooming can provide products that ease discomfort and pain. The products can address skin conditions that can lead to cracking and bleeding as well.

Pest Infestations Elimination

The grooming services can also eliminate pests. Dogs are at a higher risk of contracting Lyme disease from ticks. For this reason, pet owners who have discovered ticks on their dogs should acquire grooming services on a regular basis. The services can lower the dog’s chances of contracting the disease. Shampoos provided by groomers can also lower the chances of further tick infestations as well. The shampoos also fight off fleas and other unwanted pests.

Eliminating Dirt and Odors

The services eliminate dirt and odors from the dog’s coat. The shampoo and conditioner can also eliminate pet dandruff and make the dog feel cleaner. The products also control odors and make dogs smell fresh. This is beneficial for all dog owners as it prevents harsh odors from becoming trapped in their carpeting and furnishings.

Improving the Coat

The grooming services can improve the dog’s coat as well. The groomer selects from a variety of products that control matting and keep their fur tangle-free. This can prevent conditions that lead to discomfort and unhealthy circumstances for the dogs and pet owners.

In Florida, dog owners can acquire grooming services for their dogs at any time. The services address a variety of conditions that could become uncomfortable for dogs. They include but are not limited to skin irritation, pests, and unwanted odors. Pet owners who want to acquire dog grooming in Crofton can visit GambrillsVeterinaryCenter.com for information about scheduling the services.

Posted in Puppies For Sale

Cosmetic And Plastic Surgery


Dr. Ron Zimmer

Is it a beautiful face or a face which could do with a few changes that you see in the mirror? If you fall into the latter category then cosmetic surgery is for you. A perfect look is possible with the correction of all the deformities in the body, minor or major. This can include an orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery breast reduction, plastic surgery augmentation, plastic surgery rhinoplasty, plastic surgery face, weight loss surgery, plastic surgery chin implant, cosmetic face lift surgery, cosmetic surgery breast augmentation, cosmetic surgery breast implants, cosmetic surgery face, podiatric surgery (where corrections of the hip, ankle, foot and knee are undertaken) and many more. Many people do go in for one or even more surgeries depending upon their choice, in consultation with the surgeon.


Do you think you need to get a nose job done? Then look out for the best rhinoplasty surgeon. Generally, a doctor would suggest chin augmentation for those looking to get their nose corrected. In certain cases, only after the chin augmentation surgery would the face look proportionate. Chin enhancement is a good option to consider for those with a big nose. Chin surgery is done by a chin implant surgeon and during the chin implant surgery a silicon rubber implant or a porex chin implant made of polyethylene is used. A chin plastic surgery is done to boost the confidence of the individual.

For those who are obese and want to lose weight quickly bariatric surgery is an option, where the gastrointestinal tract is operated upon o reduce food intake. Endoscopy where the image of the internal organs is seen can be used before surgery. Colon endoscopy is undertaken by a large number of bariatric surgeons. This surgery helps the patient lose weight but the problem of sagging skin remains. The post-bariatric body contouring surgery helps in removing this excess skin and giving a body lift.

The face is the first thing you notice when you meet a person. Most people first concentrate on correcting the face and then the rest of the body. A simple thing like a laser facial hair removal helps in making a difference. Laser hair removal keeps the hair out permanently. That is why it is so popular and laser hair removal bikini is fast catching up with the ones who enjoy the beaches. Laser is also popular with the pixel laser skin resurfacing technique where the skin discoloration is almost removed and it tightens the skin and with a mark improvement in its texture. Another new technique being introduced the field of plastic surgery is endoscopic plastic surgery where the surgeon gets an image of the internal structure. The incision made to insert the endoscope is rather small leaving almost no marks after the surgery. A facial plastic surgery is probably the most common facial surgery. A laser plastic surgery is used quite effectively, the highlight being that it can be done on local anesthesia and does not leave marks usually. A facial cosmetic surgery can do wonders to one’s looks. A face lift surgery is done to remove the excess fat deposit on the face. The facelift surgery makes the skin tighter and takes years away from your face. Choose your face lift surgeon with care and caution. A proper discussion and understanding of the whole procedure with the surgeon is an absolute must.

Dr. Ron Zimmer is a leading

plastic surgeon Beverly Hills California

offering Abdominal Contouring & Reconstruction,

Chin Augmentation

, Abdominoplasty, Body Contouring, Botox Injections, Breast Augmentation, Breast Capsule Surgery, Breast Lift & Reduction, Endoscopic Brow Lift, Eyelid Surgery, Facelift, Laser Treatments, Liposuction, Mommy Makeover, Rhinoplasty, Soft Tissue Fillers.

Article Source:

Cosmetic And Plastic Surgery

Posted in Plastic Surgery

Submitted by: Nigel Reyez

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While you can choose to spend a lot of time and energy to review the related IT knowledge, and also you can choose a effective training course. Passtcert can provide the pertinent simulation test,which is very effective to help you pass the exam and can save your precious time and energy to achieve your dream. Passtcert will be your best choice.Before you decide to buy Passtcert Huawei H19-365 exam sample questions, you will have a free part of the questions and answers as a trial.

About the H19-365 exam certification, reliability can not be ignored. Huawei H19-365 exam sample questions of Passtcert are specially designed. It can maximize the efficiency of your work. We are the best worldwide materials provider about this exam.Selecting the products of Passtcert which provide the latest and the most accurate Huawei H19-365 exam sample questions, your success is not far away.

About the Author: Huawei H19-365 exam sample questions of Passtcert are specially designed. It can maximize the efficiency of your work. We are the best worldwide materials provider about this exam.Selecting the products of Passtcert which provide the latest and the most accurate Huawei H19-365 exam sample questions, your success is not far away.




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Posted in Used Cars

The notion of the value of popular opinion in government has long remained one of the most hotly debated issues of public representation since the inception of representative government. Though the representatives in a governmental body are undoubtedly there to serve the people they govern, the question remains whether they serve their people better by voting in the pursuit of the common good or rather they vote toward the opinions of their immediate constituents. Edmund Burke argues in favor of a representative government that serves its people through the pursuit of the common good rather their constituent opinions, and furthermore, argues that the latter philosophy on representative government is not only harmful to the effectiveness of a the government as a whole, but is destructive to the entire governmental system. In his Speech to the Electors of Bristol, Burke claims that the representatives in a government maintain the distinct responsibility to serve the government and the country, and not be swayed by the whims of the people that elected them but rather serve them through service to the country as a whole. This idea stands in direct contrast to the concept of populism, and downright debunks this ideology to an extent. Burke is correct in his claim that a representative does hold the responsibility to serve his or her country rather than just a small group of interests, however, in a practical sense, this form of representative government often alienates the people’s interests entirely. The national interest is a very vague concept however, and is more readily defined by the majority opinion, rather than through contrary foresight. Burke’s argument practically falls apart if one defines the national interest as a concept determined by the people as a whole. The current system of government in the United States has undoubtedly deviated from Burke’s original opinions, centering much more on the opinions of the people rather than the judgment of the elected officials themselves. This has surely limited the freedom of the representatives and forever chained them to their electorate. Through an analysis of Burke’s ideologies, it becomes incredibly clear the intention of representative democracy as a whole and the original intent of the United States governmental system.

Edmund Burke argues that the representatives elected to a government have the responsibility to vote according to their own judgments in the pursuit of the common good, rather than the judgments of the people that elected them. This is surely the ideal manner in which the government should conduct itself. It stands to sound reason that the government should be impartial in all decisions regarding things that would be good for the country as a whole, or the national interest. However, having said this, it is also undeniable that this form of government can easily lead to the alienation of the people as whole, rather than the alienation of public opinion. It is true that public opinion is incredible volatile in determining policies that would benefit the country, the absence of the people from the government could lead to an incredible disaster. The government must be familiar with the desires of the people in order to maintain an accurate definition of what the national interest is. Numbers and facts often do not tell the entire story on the state of the nation as a whole. When the people are eliminated completely from the decision making process of government, the government itself ceases to become a representative body of legislature, and rather becomes a governing body completely out of touch and unfamiliar with the people it controls. If the government is unfamiliar with the people it governs entirely, it cannot effectively serve those people in any kind of a meaningful way, and thus, on this level, Burke’s theories on representative government are rather impractical. While it would be incredibly ideal to have representatives in government who know exactly what their people need and serve that, rather than what they want, this is not how Burke’s system of government functions in a large reality such as the United States government. Such a system often leads to not only unhappy people, but an unhappy, unstable, and ineffective country as a whole. The national interest is an inseparable part of representative democracy, and remains at the very heart of Burke’s philosophy regarding governmental responsibility. Though the government truly exists to serve the national interest, the question remains whether the national interest exists, or if it is just an ideal concept intended to illustrate the way government is supposed to work, rather than how it does work. Burke claims that the national interest takes precedence over all kinds of local interests and public opinion. However, it is debatable whether any representative is truly aware of the national interest in general. The national interest is the policies and laws that the country requires to function effectively and to please its people. By this definition however, it stands to reason that anyone who has knowledge of the national interest possesses incredible foresight regarding the state of the country. Edmund Burke distinguishes between the national interest and the opinion of the people as two separate entities. Interestingly enough, if one defines the national interest as the majority opinion of the nation, then the two concepts of national interest and public opinion become virtually the same in nature. If one holds the opinion that national interest is defined by the people, then Burke’s argument promptly falls to pieces. One cannot separate national interest from personal opinions if they are defined by one another and thus, ignoring, or rather selectively absorbing public opinion actually deprives legislatures of the pertinent information they need regarding the needs of their country. Through this analysis, one can see that Burke’s argument is rather idealistic in nature, and requires the representatives to rely on a higher power in order to glean an effective strategy for government. Where does this wisdom truly come from? If there is no higher power to guide the representatives, are they not simply avoiding the obvious truth that they are there to serve the people, and as a result must listen to them? As Burke bases his argument on this idealistic notion of a higher power, his argument falls apart at the definition of national interest. When one applies Edmund Burke’s political and governmental theory to the modern United States government, one is undoubtedly going to find a significant different between the two political philosophies. Though Burke argued that representative government that pandered to its constituents is destructive and ineffective, the United States government does exactly this. Representatives of the United States government often are forced to pander to their constituents in order to get reelected. Through the institution of term limits, the United States has allowed representatives to be checked by their constituents. This virtually limits the freedom of decision that a legislature would have if it did not have to worry about its job depending on the opinion of the people it represented. Unfortunately, in the United States, the people define the government as good when it serves them directly. This requires the government to serve the interests of a variety of political philosophies and social ideologies. In doing so, the government not only grossly overextends itself, but it often divides over politically sensitive issues such as taxes. The people of the United States do not care whether the government is serving the national interest, in the short term or the long term. The government has become an entirely results driven institution. If the people do not approve of the decisions of a representative, he or she will lose their job. Through this system, the government has become incredibly ineffective, as Burke predicted that it would. The system in action prevents representatives from serving the country first, and rather forces them to pander to the minor whims and desires of those who elected them. In doing so, this has greatly reduced the capacity for action in the Federal government, with the debate over petty social issues such as abortion ruling the legislative capabilities of Congress. With a two party system, the government is divided between two entirely different sets of interests and goals intended to please the very people that put them in office. This system has done exactly what Burke predicted that it would, and in doing so, vindicates Burke to some extent in his political philosophy.

Regardless of the methods involved, representative government is intended to serve the people, whether through the pursuit of the national interest or through the placation of a representative’s constituents. As long as man has walked the earth, he has searched for a way to modify his surroundings in order to better live. This is precisely the purpose of representative government. However, as Edmund Burke describes in his Speech to the Electors of Bristol, representative government should ideally not be placed entirely subject to the fickle and often selfish whims of the general population. These ideas greatly influenced the political philosophies of the founding fathers as they created a new government and a new country, the United States of America. Unfortunately, though Burke is correct in theory, the practice of his political ideology often leads to a total alienation of the people from the governmental process that control them, resulting in an unhappy populace. Additionally, if one considers the national interest to be defined by the majority of opinion in a country, then Burke’s argument promptly falls apart due to the combination of the two distinctions he makes, the national interest and the opinions of the constituents. When applied to the modern governmental system of the United States, one can barely see remnants of Burke’s political ideology in Congress. Representatives are often slaves and workhorses of the people they represent, living in constant fear that they may lose their job if they fail to produce what their base considers progress. This governmental system prevents legislatures from acting freely in their decisions, and somewhat vindicates Burke’s political theories. However, when examined from a realistic perspective, one must understand that people must play an active role in their government, not to prevent their representatives from acting free, but to ensure that those representing them are connected with a relevant common good for all.

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