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How a Vehicle Tracking System Brings Up Your Bottom Line
A GPS vehicle tracking system is the perfect partner for any fleet company or transport business. Tracking systems have enabled hundreds of UK haulage concerns to drag their bottom lines up out of the depths and present much more agile end of year figures, thanks to the versatility of their controlling software.
The software in a GPS tracking system allows users to build meaningful reports as well as knowing where their fleet vehicles are. The reports, over time, give key information about where the fleet’s performance is dragging the bottom line down – and that’s when the vehicle tracking system starts doing more than just telling you the location of all your trucks. The tracking software is able to deliver real time alerts when any unauthorised vehicle activity occurs. This activity is defined as unauthorised by the user. Typical user defined activity thresholds may include blocking vehicle use beyond a specified amount of driving time, in order to comply with the Working Time Directive. Fleet companies can face heavy fines if their drivers are found to be driving more than the legal limit of hours in any given day, week, or month period. By using the vehicle tracking system software to alert company owners and managers to over use, the companies in question are able to avoid fines that used to be routine annoyances: annoyances, of course, that quickly added up to real financial burdens. The system can also set up geofences – pre determined areas into which a vehicle may not go. When a vehicle enters a proscribed area the system lets you know about it. A vehicle tracking system is able to assist fleet companies in devising and implementing a series of Key Performance Indicators – all of which are necessary to track the overall productivity and behaviour of the company as a whole. Once the GPS system is in place, the company can track the milestones it sets with KPIs and so raise the bottom line to a more acceptable average. Typical KPIs, all facilitated by the GPS tracking system, include: general operational costs (like fuel bills and maintenance); improved operational practice; and improved customer service. Operating costs go down when vehicles set off alarms through unauthorised use. They won’t be used in an unauthorised way if staff knows that doing so sets off an alarm with the vehicle tracking system. Operational practice improves when the system is used to electronically fill out time sheets: a function that also helps fleet owners keep an eye on the Working Time Directive side of things. Customer Service improves when the company is able to notify its customers when a delivery is in progress, or 15 minutes from destination. The parameters of the operating system are such that the owner company can set an alarm to go off when a vehicle is a specified time from destination – and then send an update to a waiting customer.
Simplytrak based in Riplingham, Brough are leaders in the asset tracking industry. A good
vehicle tracking system
is as guaranteed a way as it is possible to find of retrieving stolen vehicles.
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