When it comes to home repairs, undertaking DIY electrical projects constitute one of the most important aspects which have to be carried out with the utmost caution. If you are a home owner you must be facing minor electrical defaults in your house periodically which is why it is important to have a sound knowledge of safety guidelines when undertaking DIY electrical repair tasks.While fixing small DIY electrical repair work around the house is very cost efficient home owners need to be very careful when undertaking such projects. Listed below are some important safety guidelines to keep in mind in order to ensure a safe and successful DIY electrical repair work by the home owner:1.Prepare a circuit map If you are thinking of taking up DIY electrical work preparing a circuit map is the most important step to begin with. By switching off each circuit at one time note down all the switches and appliances that are powered by each circuit and tape the list below them. This way you will be able to switch off the power immediately whenever there is an electrical default in your home.2.Turn off the main power outlet Before undertaking any DIY electrical projects or repair works always turn off the main power. Turning off the switch of a particular appliance that you are working on is not sufficient as there can be invariably a leak even when the switch is turned off which can lead in a serious accident.3.Cover live wires and unused receptacles Never keep any live wires in the house exposed. Always cover them or at least use masking tapes. Having exposed live wires in the house can be a grave threat especially for children. Also cover up any unused receptacles with tight protective lids which are easily available in the market.4.Use dry hands Always dry your hands before undertaking any DIY electrical repair work. As water is a very good conductor of electricity, be extremely cautious while working in places near water and especially doing electrical repair work in the washroom and garden area.5.Inspect your premises If you have small children at home make periodic inspections and replace any defective plug points as well as cover up any unused receptacles to avoid any mishaps.Whether you are trying to replace a fused bulb or fix a faulty electrical appliance you must always proceed with great caution. So go ahead and follow the above guidelines to undertake DIY electrical projects safely and successfully.

Posted in Home Renovation Solutions

Be It Pool and Spas Construction, or the Maintenance, Here It Is All You Need to Know


Tom Thoma

Have you had a dream of having a pool or a spa at your home? May be for these years you harboured it as a dream now we say time has come to transform it into reality. Today there are a number of swimming pool builders, all you need to do is just contact them, be it

swimming pool construction

or pool remodel, these companies provides all the facilities related to this arena. And believe us these companies today are well equipped with the modern technologies and the latest designs of pools and spas, so they will not only transform your dream into reality but in addition will help you get the latest designs in each categorisation.


May be you are tired with the outdated look of your already existing pool, so why not opt for a remodelling? Just go in for a contract with these swimming pool builders

, for they not only help you in building a new one but they even help in cases of remodelling. Go in for a swimming pool contractor, explain to them about the remodelling designs that you have in mind, but remember never to weigh them down by your orders, welcome their suggestions, consider them logically before going in for the final designs, these companies will always guide you in the right way, be it pools with waterfall, or pebble or quartz interior surface conversion, they will suggest the best complementing your home ambience. So always balance your views as well as those of the contractors, proper understanding can really evolve the perfect balance of good designs and latest equipment suitable for your house.

Be it a Custom New Pool and Spa Construction

, or a remodel,

Pool and Spa Maintenance

forms an important aspect in both cases. Proper maintenance is needed in each case in their own manners to keep it clean and help it function best in its own way. Firstly ask your contractors to guide you with the maintenance schemes, devise suitable ways to keep the pools and spas closed during winters for it saves a lot of your work. Understand which automatic cleaner or the vacuum would be right for your pool. So remember to keep these intrinsic details in mind. Today getting a pool and spa is not enough, what you should strive for is its proper maintenance.

Infinity Pool is Southern California’s Premier Pool Company. We can help you enhance your residential or commercial pool. Contact us for an appointment at

Swimming pool builders

and Infinity Pools will help you re-design your pool or spa area.

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Posted in Swimming Pool Builders

By Frank Yaconis

Dr. Mehmet Oz is becoming a world-renowned expert on keeping the body healthy. He has a television show and numerous books out that help people learn the important parts of maintaining health.

That’s why when he praised the benefits of the prickly pear cactus; the world sat up and took notice. He included the plant as one of the seven natural wonders of the world during one episode of his show for its ability to help people with diabetes.

On a smaller level, he talked about how the cactus can help with the symptoms of a hangover. Dr. Oz, a Columbia University surgery professor and director of the Cardiovascular Institute and Complementary Medicine Program at New York Presbyterian Hospital, knows what he is talking about.

Nopalea Juice, made from the prickly pear cactus, is becoming more and more popular as the benefits of the cactus become more widely known.

On his program, ‘The Dr. Oz Show’ the esteemed doctor did a demonstration with an hourglass test-tube showing how the fibrous nature of the prickly pear cactus filtered sugar into the bloodstream. Because of this, eating the plant can help regulate blood sugar levels, therefore helping people with diabetes.


In a recent issue of the free magazine, ‘Diabetes & You’ Dr. Oz gave seven important tips to keep a healthy heart. Let’s recap their basic ideas here for you. These tips are not just for people with diabetes, but are everyone with health problems:

1. Baby aspirin. The first tip he gave was for people to take two baby aspirin daily. The aspiring helps reduce inflammation and helps with blood circulation. He said that people with stomach issues should not follow this tip.

2. Use dental floss. People who floss daily work to stave off inflammatory disease and it also helps prevent gingivitis.

3. Make friend with your pharmacist. Well, you don’t need to be friends, so to speak, but Dr. Oz recommends you have a relationship with your pharmacist so you can ask for, and receive advice from the about the medications you take.

Mixing the wrong drugs, such as blood pressure medicine with other medications, can create dangerous interactions that can even be deadly. Pharmacists are professionals who can help you prevent this.

4. Get your blood pressure taken. Dr. Oz says know what your blood pressure is. He says that it is the number one cause of aging. High blood pressure actually scrapes away the lining of your arteries. Oz says your pharmacy can check your blood pressure for the high and low numbers or you can even buy your own monitor to keep at home.

5. Work out. Exercising enough to sweat at least one hour a week will help you lower blood pressure level and will help your heart health.

6. Be a social butterfly. Friendships and family relationships actually lead to better health.

7. Pop fish oil pills. DHA, the omega-3 fatty acid in these supplements will help with heart healthy, especially if you have experience irregular heartbeat.

So, these are just seven tips to improve heart health. They are all easy and inexpensive ways to stay alive longer.

About the Author: Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about helping people with swollen ankles for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study how Nopalea contains amazing properties that help with foot pain and other swelling and joint pain in the body. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.

Source: isnare.com

Permanent Link: isnare.com/?aid=805164&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet

Posted in Hair Transplant Surgeons

Online sports betting is probably the best option for those who are interesting in trying it for the first time. If you have never tried online sports betting, you are missing so much fun and excitement, and it can all happen in the comfortable surroundings of your home! The art of sports betting can seem confusing at first, but once you are familiar with some of the jargon that is used to explain the concepts and logic behind each type of bet, it is all much easier to understand.

One of the best ways for you to experience this engaging way to bet on your favourite racing and sporting events is to get acquainted with online sports betting. However, in order to best take advantage of all that sports betting has to offer, you need to know a little more about it.

Sports Betting – The Odds

How does online sports betting work? You should start by studying the odds for the sporting event you are most interested in placing a wager upon. When using online sports betting, you can find these odds in the various online sports books used by Internet gamers everywhere. You must open an account with an online sports book before you can place your bet, but this is simple to do.

Once you have chosen where you are going to do your sports betting, you need to decide how you are going to place your bet. There are many different ways for you to wager your chosen amount of money, but first, let’s talk about the spread and how it can affect the amount you bet.

Sports Betting – The Spread

The spread is a point advantage in sports betting, which is usually given to the team that is generally expected to lose a particular sporting event. If you decide that you will bet on the team that is expected to win, they will have to win by more than the spread number and cover the spread before you are considered to have chosen correctly. If you choose the team that is expected to lose, that team will have to lose by less than the spread number in order for your pick to be considered correct. If by chance the team wins by the number of points that were chosen as the spread, the game is called a push.

No one who engages in sports betting wins a thing if a game is called as a push, but you do get the amount of your original bet back. The point spread is done in order to make the all of the bets come out even for the sports book, and is usually done for sports such as basketball or football.

Sports Betting – The Bet

If you were to bet against the spread, most likely you would place a type of bet called an 11-10, or spread bet. By betting $11, you win $10 if your team’s score covers the spread. This is another way that the online sports book makes its money.

An over-under bet is also an 11-10 bet. With this type of bet, the total score of the two teams that played will be either over or under the total score that was listed before the game was played. Betting on the score being over is called ‘betting on the ball’. Betting on the score being under is called ‘betting on the clock’.

A proposition bet is a type of bet where the online sports book chooses what the odds and the conditions of the bet are going to be. This type of bet can be most interesting, even a little fun at times, for the conditions can be as unusual as which of two football teams will make the most touchdowns, which of two basketball teams will score the most three pointers, or even which individual player will make a certain move for the team. The odds for this kind of bet are sometimes 11-10, but can be better or worse depending on the circumstances.

A parlay bet happens when you are betting on more than one event, usually three. This type of bet gives you a much higher payout if you should win, but the catch is that all the events you bet on will have to win. If even one of them loses, they all lose, and you lose the amount that you bet.

A money line bet seems rather formidable, especially to someone who is just getting into online sports betting, but it is really one of the simplest bets of all. It is also called a Straight Up bet, and there is no point spread to consider. You will just choose your sport, and then the team you think will be either the underdog or the favourite. In a money line bet, the sports book will have numbers listed that are in the hundreds, with either a plus or a minus sign beside them. These numbers are considered the ‘money line’, and are the multipliers for the bets.

If the money line for your team is listed as 100, you will make an even bet. This means you will wager the same amount that you will get back. If the money line reads -110, then you must come up with the amount of money you have decided to bet, plus 10%. This extra 10% is known by the name of ‘juice’. If the money line for your team is listed as +110, then you simply place your bet with the amount you choose to bet. If you win a money line bet, you get the amount of your bet plus 10% back. For example, if you bet $10.00 and $1.00 in juice on a -110 money line and it wins, you get $21. 00.

A teaser bet in sports betting is actually a proposition bet that allows you to change the odds for the bet in either direction so that the wager is in your favour. You can go up or down in points, and must choose at least two teams, as is done in a parlay bet. You can have as many as 6 separate teams included on a teaser bet, but all of the teams chosen have to win in order for your bet to be declared a winning one. Once the games are over, the points from the teaser bet are added or subtracted from the final scores. The odds for teaser bets can be different each time, so it is a good plan to always check the sports book before placing your bet.

A tip to remember is that generally, when placing a wager on any sport that can finish with a high score, such as football, you will have a spread. Sports where the ending score is low, such as in baseball will have a money line. Remember also that favourable odds on a game can sometimes work in your favour. Online sports betting allows you to easily go from sports book to sports book to find the best odds.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2287076

Posted in Betting

Child Nfl Seattle Seahawks Cheerleader Outfit


peralatan bayiUnfortunately, more than four million children find themselves within the hospital every year as a consequence of home accidents. The good thing is 90per cent of these accidents is avoided. However there’s absolutely no option to vigilant direction, proactive childproofing goes along means towards preventing needless accidents. As the son or daughter explores, show him what is safe and what’s off-limits.

Massage: immediately after his shower, give infant just a little massage. Use infant oil or therapeutic massage gel created for children. A massage assists moisturize baby’s skin while relaxing him and assisting dump any feasible gas. Utilize gentle shots regarding arms and legs and a circular motion on his little tummy and straight back.


First and foremost, since infant clothing aren’t therefore exhausted when they have too tiny to be used, they may be directed at your family members or buddies that expecting. It may are also made of handy for individuals who would not mind receiving hand-me-downs away from you. You could also fold them nicely and pack them in a clean plastic for garments and have them in the attic. Afterwards, whenever another son or daughter comes, you can always open up these packed clothing and make use of them once more, hence, saving extra expenses on child garments.

Toddlers grow exceptional quicker. Which means their clothes need to be changed regularly. Unless a couple of plans not to give birth once more, I do not understand why the following child cannot wear the clothing that’ll be kept by the older baby. If this is the situation, buying an unisex Baby Cloth for your baby will ensure that regardless of what the gender associated with next baby is, the cloth is fully guaranteed another usage if the next baby arrives. Because of the current state associated with the economy, that sounds like a smart go on to me.

baju bayi

Are you joking? Cloth diapers are a whole lot more versatile than disposables, and therefore convenient. A baby can really relocate a cloth diaper. As soon as we first switched, my daughter was simply discovering the woman foot, but her belly was a little fat, so she had trouble getting the woman feet inside her mouth. Once I put the lady in a cloth diaper, it had been no difficulty at all, and she could gladly chew on her feet just as much as she liked.

Baby Bean or Pea pod- pakaian bayi in most green, complete with green stocking cap. Complete the appearance with a green ” Swaddle-Me” or find green textile within art shop and fashion your pod or bean as a result.

Fitteds – Fitted in Diapers act like disposables because they will have elastic inside feet and waist for a better fit as they are normally closed with snaps or velcro. They also come in many different varieties of textile’s and colors. Because fitted’s come in a lot of styles and patterns, it may be daunting to obtain the the one that’s right for you however they are generally speaking quite absorbent and due to the elastic around the feet, tend to hold within the leaks better.

If you make an effort to purchase in correct size and keep an extra or two in diaper bag, your baby is supposed to be looking ever-snazzy and one-time stress of just how to dress child will be a well liked pastime.

These flat diapers are available in two kinds: pre-folded nappies and shaped nappies. Fitted diapers are versatile and offer comfort to the child. All in one single diaper is convenient and adjustable by size. Cloth diapers do have more add-ons like covers, liners and inserts. Diapers needs to be washed and clean of stains to be employed for child. Avoid bleach to remove stains regarding the diapers since they contain chemical substances that will damage your infant skin. Use detergent recommended by the provider of diapers. There are numerous web sites that concentrate on the purchase of diapers on the web.

When taking baby outside bundle baby up in layers and also make certain the top and ears and fingers are covered so child does not get chapped epidermis. Additionally whenever using child through the car to for instance the supermarket, hide children mouth and nose. Cool air isn’t beneficial to baby to breath in, it may also provide infant a runny nose. We place a blanket around my sons lips and nose so just their eyes are showing until we have in.

Use gentle shots on legs and arms and a circular movement on their little tummy and straight back. Because they’re recycled [from old t-shirt material], they can be tossed guilt-free at any time.

peralatan bayi

Article Source:

eArticlesOnline.com }

Posted in Design Agency


VG based nicotine is one of the most commonly sought-after types of products on the market today. If you are a product manufacturer and you need a high-quality source of nicotine, you may want to consider this specific type. You will find that it can provide you with the very specific elements that can help to take your product to the next level. Take a minute to learn more about what this product is, how it works, and why it may be the best option for your specific needs.

What You Need to Know About Your Nicotine

VG based nicotine is vegetable glycerin based nicotine. Vegetable glycerin is a plant-based derivative that comes from palm oil. There are several key reasons why you may want to choose this product over the others on the market. One reason for this is that it is Kosher. That means it may fit a larger audience. Another reason is that it is USP certified. As a result, it is ready to be added to your product without a lot of difficulties. It is a viscous liquid, and as such, it creates a thick cloud of vapor when it is being used, such as being used in vaping. This can be one of the best results for today’s discerning customer.

VG based nicotine has other benefits as well. It has a light and sweet taste to it, which helps make it more desirable for a larger audience. In addition to this, it can work very well because of how basic it is, allowing you to use it for more purposes.

When it comes time to choose the right product for your needs, talk to BGP Europe AG. Our team offers a wide range of options for all of your needs. Contact us now to ask us about VG based nicotine.

When looking for quality VG based nicotine, look to BGP Europe AG. See what options they offer at www.purenic.biz.

Posted in Art Tours

Hibatchis are some of the most popular types of barbecue available. Their small size makes them suitable for outside areas which don’t have the space for large gas barbecues. In addition, they are popular for camping and picnics. A cast-iron hibatchi offers the same great taste as a regular barbecue with the only disadvantage of being able to cook less food at a time.A cast-iron brazier uses charcoal has its fuel source. Most hibatchis have two areas for holding coals, so it’s easy to cook a variety of food and keep it warm. The multi-level grilling surfaces allow you to cook the food at almost any temperature — if you need a lot of heat, simply lower the grill, and if you need less heat simply position it at the top.Hibatchis are great for outdoor cooking almost anywhere. They can be used on the patio, on a terrace, at a camping site, or in your back garden. Since they are small, the fire is easily contained, and the open flames only last for a few minutes until the charcoal has ignited.Still, a certain amount of caution has to be used when cooking on a charcoal hibatchi. Their light weight has the advantage of making them portable, but also the disadvantage of making them easy to overturn. For maximum safety, never use a hibatchi on a flammable surface like a wooden deck.Because of the small size of the cast-iron barbecue, it’s best to cook food in small portions. Hibatchis are great for cooking kebabs and small pieces of meat and vegetables. Many charcoal hibatchis have fans on the underside of the fire pit, allowing you to adjust the airflow to the coals. As with any barbecue cookout, you need to watch the food as it is cooking on a hibatchi because the fire can quickly flare up and burn your meal.There are several models of hibatchis to choose from, and all are small enough to be easily portable. Even though a cast-iron is a heavy material, it is perfect for a small size barbecue. It holds the heat and provides an even cooking temperature for a great barbecue cookout.

Posted in Bbq Products And Accessories

APD can affect people of any age. It usually begins in childhood, but some people get it later in life. It affects between 2% and 7% of children, with boys being more likely than girls to have it. Because the disease can cause academic difficulties, children with it may require more support in school.

APD isn’t the same as hearing loss or a learning disability. It means that your brain does not “hear” noises in the way it normally does. It’s not a matter of comprehending the meaning. A person with APD, for example, may have difficulty distinguishing between the sounds of a bat and a cat. In some cases, most words can also be scrambled when heard, making the person unable to exactly comprehend and process the words.

Other things that elicit similar symptoms could be associated with APD. In fact, it could be one of the causes of dyslexia in some people. Furthermore, some specialists believe that youngsters may be classified as having ADHD when they actually have APD.

APD can influence your child’s ability to read, write, and spell, as well as the way they talk. They might omit word endings or mix up similar sounds. It can also be difficult for them to communicate with others. They might not be capable of processing what others are saying quickly enough to respond.

It is unknown what causes APD. However, the issues affect people of all ages and in various ways. Common symptoms include failing to pay attention to what people are saying, not recognizing the source of a sound, being unable to listen to music, and comprehending what people are saying when engaged in a conversation. So, if they don’t understand, they could respond in unexpected ways.

The reason for APD in children is frequently unknown. Children with head trauma, lead poisoning, seizure disorder, or recurrent ear infections are thought to be at a higher risk. There may be multiple causes in some cases. APD is a contentious topic. Experts disagree about whether it is a disorder in and of itself, and there are several definitions. However, the phrase is still in use, and the challenges are very real.

The first step in determining whether or not you have APD is to rule out hearing loss. Professionals in the medical field are usually capable of doing so. Audiologists, on the other hand, conduct APD testing. The audiologist will conduct a series of sophisticated listening tests in which your child will be exposed to a variety of sounds and respond accordingly. They could, for example, repeat them or press a button. The doctor may also place non-painful electrodes in your child’s ears and head to assess how their brain responds to sound, and, accordingly, prescribehearing aids in Sri Lanka.

Speech therapy is the most common treatment for APD. If the child has a language issue, the school may provide free therapy. However, speech-language therapists in clinics or in medical clinics are also available. The earlier you begin treatment, the better. There is no cure for APD, and treatment is tailored to the individual. However, it usually concentrates on certain areas, such as alterations to the physical surroundings to improve the listening environment, individualized treatments, and help for non-listening symptoms that are managed by other professionals. Many places provide services for hearing aids in Maharagama, and the hearing aid price in Sri Lankais guaranteed to be affordable.

Individualized therapy is a key aid in the development of a child’s auditory pathway. The audiologist would typically recommend them based on the findings of a child’s exams and concerns, and sometimes prescribe hearing aids for better assistance. Children with APD can benefit from a variety of computer-assisted programs. They primarily help the brain process sounds in a noisy environment. These programs are available at some schools. If your child has APD, check with the school to see what choices are accessible, and use the hearing aid service online in Sri Lanka to get the best of the options available.

Posted in Speech Therapy

By Susan Willis

When your marriage is facing a few problems, most people would tell you to ride things out. They would say that problems, especially in such a complex arrangement as marriage, are par for the course. And, that is good advice.

However, when your marriage begins to face so many problems for such as long time that no solution seems to be in sight, then you really need to get on the ball and start exploring your options. You are not doing yourself, your spouse, or your kids (if you have kids) any favors by just grinning and bearing it when the situation in your marriage becomes too impossible to live with day-to-day.

The good news is that, in todays self-help-oriented world, there is a huge range of options for people involved in marriages that are not working. The options range from self-help books & seminars, marriage counseling, and the support of family and friends .. . all the way to separation and divorce.

If you are wondering, Is separation good for my marriage?, check out these 3 pros and cons of separation:

3 Pros of Marriage Separation:

Here are 3 potential benefits to marital separation:


Pro #1: Get some breathing room:

Marital separation provides you with the chance to live apart for a while as you work out your problems, seek counseling, and take a break from the constant discomfort and fighting. Basically, you get a chance for some breathing room and to clear your head.

Pro #2: Keep legal and financial status of a married couple:

Separation allows you to remain married in the eyes of insurers, financial companies and others who consider you married. All benefits remain in effect with the two of you still being considered a married couple. This is a huge benefit to separating as opposed to divorce, in the eyes of many couples.

Pro #3: Experiment with being single:

Another advantage is the ability to try on for size what it would be like to be single again, without your spouse around.

3 Cons of Marriage Separation

Here are three potential drawbacks to separation:

Con #1: It is one step closer to divorce:

A large number of couples who go through separation end up getting a divorce. Without taking the time to educate yourselves about how to make the relationship work, the marriage could just fizzle out.

Con #2: Your spouse may date others:

If you are concerned about preserving your marital fidelity, separation may not be the best choice for you. In many such situations, one or both of the spouses end up dating other people. Of course, this depends in part upon the agreements you have made with each other, as well as how trustworthy each of you is.

Con #3: It can be very hard on other people who are involved in the situation:

We all recognize that we live within a web of relationships. Extended family, friends, and of course any children you have will be directly and potentially deeply affected by the act of separating.

Consider these 3 pros and 3 cons of marital separation as you decide the best course of action for moving forward.

About the Author: Get advice on saving your marriage from a relationship expert who has saved thousands of marriages at:

How to Save Your Marriage




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Posted in Property Investment

By Steve Patzkowski

If you are involved with a non-profit organization, you know all too well the second most important thing you do is raise money. The reality is you cannot do what you do without money.

There are over 1.5 million non-profits in the United States, with new organizations being formed every day. There is a finite number of dollars that will be donated every year to the non-profit sector, each of those 1.5 million organizations is out there positioning themselves and marketing for their slice of that pie. Sounds like a tough gig, but what if there was another pie that nobody was looking at, wouldn’t it be easier to go get a slice of that pie without all the competition?

It turns out there is another donation pie out there, it was created by Fees To Funds. The Fees To Funds program http://FeesToFunds.com was developed to help non-profits raise money in a very unique way – thorough merchant account credit card processing. Most non-profits these days have a merchant account so they can accept credit card payments for donations. When a non-profit (or for profit business) accepts credit cards for payments, they pay fees for the acceptance services to Visa and Master Card, and the processing companies that manage these merchant accounts. When non-profits sign up with the Fees To Funds program, they still pay those fees, but Fees To Funds offers them a lower rate structure – so they save money on those fees – then they donate 25% of their gross revenue from those fees right back to the non-profit. Sounds great, but it gets even better…

Every non-profit out there has a supported base, quite often, many of the supporters for a given non-profit are business owners. What Fees To Funds provides is an opportunity for the non-profit to partner with them in a fundraising campaign to introduce the Fees To Funds program to their business owner supporters; they offer the business owners the same deal, Fees To Funds lowers their merchant account fees so they save money and then donates 25% of their gross revenue from all of the business owners merchant account fees back to the non-profit. The program allows the business owner to increase their charitable giving without spending a penny. It creates a brand new, monthly residual income stream for the non-profit at no load to the business owners; in fact, they actually save money in the process.

The business owner saves money on a necessary expense and increases their financial support to their favorite non-profit at the same time, and, the non-profit gets a brand new residual income stream – everybody wins.


Advantages of the Fees To Funds Program:

— Converts a portion of an existing expense into donation revenue

— No ongoing fundraising activities

— Creates a passive residual income stream for the non-profit that continues for years

— Simple and painless to implement

An extra bonus to the funds raised through the Fees To Funds program is that these funds are unrestricted – the best kind of money a non-profit can receive. Many of the grants and donations non-profits receive are restricted to very specific projects or uses, in contrast, the funds generated by Fees To Funds go into the non-profits general fund and can be used for any purpose.

This is free money out there just waiting to be collected every month, what non-profit would like that? If you are a non-profit, or a business owner passionate about supporting a non-profit, you should check out the Fees To Funds credit card processing donation program.

Steve Patzkowski


Fees To Funds


About the Author:

Fees To Funds ~ Turning Credit Card Processing Fees into Cash Donations for Non Profits. The Fees To Funds program directly supports a wide variety of non-profit and charitable organizations by returning a portion of the credit card processing fees paid by the non-profit organization and their merchant supporters back to them in the form of cash contributions on a monthly ongoing basis.

More about

Steve Patzkowski



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Posted in Financial Planning